Here Are Some of the Most Reasons to Read More Books

Have you ever sat down and thought about the power of reading? We aren’t talking about epic books and magical stories alone but also about poetry and the many lives that you can live within this short life through the books, poetry, and amazing stories that exist in the form of written words. 

Let us talk about the various mediums of written words and how they contribute to your overall sense of wellness. 

Read Memoirs for Perspective

The essential benefit of reading memoirs is that they allow you to experience first-hand things that go beyond your own life experiences. If you have never read a memoir before, you should know that this genre is essentially a first-person account of the experience of the narrator.

For instance, an author might write a memoir about a certain war they experienced, such as WWII. You might read a memoir where a Holocaust survivor has given their account of the horrors they survived. If you look at it, you will realize that reading memoirs not only gives you an insight into history but also how historical events affected the author personally. 

Read Poetry for Self-Awareness 

Let us face facts: poems and poetry are essentially undervalued in today’s digital world. However, you should know that poems of all kinds offer unique and useful perks. For instance, if you check out these love poems, you will learn to look at things from different perspectives. 

It wouldn’t be wrong to state that reading poems and indulging in poetry is not only effective for unplugging from the digital world that is always so noisy – but – it is also effective for one’s overall well-being. 

You might want to experience the calming effect of poetry yourself. All you need to do is to turn to poetry on silent days. Soon, you will start to feel a certain rhythm through the magic of metaphor and the integration of all five senses within a few lines. 

If you think about poetry as a mere collection of words, we recommend brewing yourself your favorite drink and getting comfy with a book of poems or poetry. Through poetry, you will learn how much you can say with a few words and how you can use the power of being concise while conveying entire stories. 

Read Fiction to Develop Empathy

Now, you might have grown up reading fiction or having fiction read to you as a kid by your parents or caregiver. The best part about fiction is that it comprises a wide variety of genres, such as the following:

  • Thriller
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Romance 
  • Fantasy

The readers of fiction books are essentially as diverse as the gene itself. It wouldn’t be wrong to state that there is fiction out there for everyone. When it comes to the benefits of reading fiction, there are countless benefits, such as boosting brain function, developing empathy, and helping you relax.

On that note, we recommend reading fiction before bedtime instead of a self-help book, as it will help your brain relax, and you can happily wrap up the day with a nice story to think about before sleeping. Speaking of the connection between reading fiction and developing empathy, you should know that fiction stories often include moral lessons, such as the importance of being kind and caring. 

Reading Self-Help Books for Confidence

Self-help books make up a very popular genre of modern literature. You can find any topic that might interest you in self-help books, including how to develop productive habits, manage stress, get more things done, and build knowledge.

Self-help books even include books on how to increase sales and start your own business. You have plenty of options when it comes to self-help books. These books do not only assist you with building knowledge and mastering a certain topic – but these books are also essential for boosting self-awareness and building confidence.

We recommend reading at least five pages of any self-help book of your choice first thing in the morning – before picking up your phone and scrolling through it. More importantly, self-help books teach the essentials of emotional intelligence, which is considered more important than having intellectual intelligence in today’s world. 

Essential Steps to Be A Better Reader

Now that we have established the fact that reading books can help you boost your overall well-being, we are left with the question of what you need to do to become better at the reading task itself.

If you are like most people, there is a good chance that you know that you ought to read more, but you simply cannot bring yourself to do what is needed and actually do it.

The following tips will help:

Make Time to Read

No matter what you want to be better at, you must consciously make an effort to make time for that certain thing. On that note, if you want to be a reader, you might want to put off a bad habit and replace it with the habit of reading. 

You should schedule your time and set up at least half an hour every day for the reading session. You might want to give yourself a reward that comes after you have spent some time reading the book. For instance, if you love your morning cup of coffee, you can use that time to pair it with reading a book instead of scrolling your phone. 

Talk Yourself into Reading

If you want to be successful in life, you should know that all successful people have one habit in common, which is the habit of reading. So, if you are reading this, there is a great chance that you have the desire to do better in life, and reading is an important habit to have. 

To set yourself up for success, make sure to add the task of reading to your daily to-do list so that it doesn’t slip from your mind. Also, choose a suitable spot for reading your chosen book, such as a café or the sofa in your living room. 

Give yourself a timeline that you stick to, such as half an hour every day. This way, you are more likely to follow through with the plan of building a reading habit. 

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